Bring Your Invention to Life - The Quirky Way

You have an idea for something new. An invention. Something that could change the world.

But where do you start? How do you know you’re not deluded? Blinded by your own enthusiasm.

How do you know if others will buy into your idea? Where to start with design, manufacturing, distribution, marketing, sales…

Enter Quirky, the brainchild of Ben Kaufman. The mission is to ‘Make invention accessible‘.

Quirky channels the power of the crowd to get your idea from concept to production to market in record time. And it’s worked for hundreds of new inventions so far.

You submit your idea – for up to 30 days of curation & evaluation by the crowd plus Quirky’s in-house team of experts. If accepted, the product then moves through crowd-powered design, branding and market research.

All being well, your product then goes into manufacturing, distribution and is offered up for sale online and via a network of retail outlets.

The icing on the cake is that the inventor and everyone who contributes to the process shares in the profits. Contributors are rewarded according to their level of influence and participation.

I think Quirky are on to something here and I’m very excited about the opportunities for those with a great idea – to see if it really is great, and for those who take part in bringing them to life.

What do you think?