What Happened to Clinton Cards?

Almost 3,000 jobs are to disappear from Clinton Cards. 350 of its 784 UK stores are to close. This sad news comes a week after the company went into administration, and 44 years since the very first store opened in 1968.
What happened? Many will assume it’s just a random casualty of our recessionary times.
But, there is another explanation. Perhaps it’s because people are physically buying less one-size-fits-all cards. And are instead buying personalised, virtual, and handmade ones instead.
It’s not as if everyone needs to make the switch to more connected stores like Moon Pig or Funky Pigeon. Just enough to tip the balance, from profit to administration.
Yes, they had started to do personalised cards. But, perhaps they should have done it sooner. Under a new brand. And with gusto.
What are you doing to adapt your business to the new economy?
Image by joshunter